Senior Pastor Jeremy Edmondson


"Hello! My name is Jeremy Edmondson and I will begin serving as the Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church in June of 2017.

My life has been transformed by the incredible gift of God's grace through Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. This is a gift that must be shared with the world. My heart is for the local church. It alone is God's chosen entity in which to reach a lost and dying world. Never are we more alive than when we are obeying God by exercising our spiritual gifts for the benefit of the Body of Christ. We are to operate in grace and truth, encouraging one another forward in love and maturity in Christ. It is my calling to warn everyone and teach everyone with all wisdom so as to present everyone as mature at the Judgment Seat of Christ (Colossians 1:28). This is done by thoroughly equipping the saints of God for the work of the ministry. My conviction is that every member of the Body of Christ is a minister to the Church and a missionary to the world.

I completed my Masters of Divinity degree at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and have begun pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Grace School of Theology. I am a church planter, author, conference speaker, and have had the privilege of serving as a youth pastor, college pastor, and most recently as a senior pastor for the past ten years."

Jeremy is married to his beautiful wife, Beth, who will celebrate 16 years together in 2017, and they have a son, Nathaniel David.

Here are the links to a couple of books Jeremy has written: